JHP Electrical successfully completed a lighting upgrade project for The Park Federation Academy Trust, one of the most established federations in the country, across five schools located in Middlesex and Berkshire. The schools lighting installations were deteriorating, and with soaring energy prices, the lighting upgrades enabled the trust to reduce their energy bills through the funding-backed project.
The primary objective of the project was to enhance the quality of lighting for staff and pupils while achieving energy savings and sustainable school lighting solutions. The project involved minor upgrades at The Godolphin Junior Academy and James Elliman Academy, with major upgrades at Wood End Park Academy, Cranford Park Academy, and West Drayton Academy, which included replacing a suspended ceiling in the nursery block.
The upgrades comprised:
The project took place during the summer holidays, with variations addressed from remaining funds and additional remedial work completed during the October half term.
Liaising closely with the Trust’s Head of Estates, Contract Administrator, site managers, and a suspended ceiling contractor, JHP Electricals’ team of education lighting specialists, installed long-life and sustainable LED lighting solutions.
Our highly skilled and experienced team of electrical engineers ensured that the projects adhered to industry standards for the schools' LED lighting installations and project management, meeting the project's goals within the agreed programme of works across the five schools.
Significant outcomes of the project include enhanced lighting quality in the classrooms, corridors, cupboards, and toilets, an overall reduction in energy consumption, substantial savings on energy bills for the five schools, and ensuring that emergency lighting is compliant, thereby maintaining a safe environment. The new modern installations will also require less maintenance, saving both time and money.
The successful completion of the project led to an ongoing partnership with The Park Federation Academy Trust, and JHP Electrical was subsequently engaged to undertake a comprehensive refurbishment at another of the Trust’s schools during the following summer holidays.
The projects at the five schools resulted in superior quality lighting with improved operations and controls, including separate switching for digital screens and automatic switching in designated areas. The delivery of the LED lighting upgrade demonstrates JHP Electricals' capability to undertake and complete major projects in educational settings efficiently, understanding the unique challenges that schools face and meeting their tight deadlines and budgets.
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