Updating your Golf Range Lighting

With the dark night’s drawing in updating your Golf Range lighting is a factor all Golf Range owners should consider right now, as it is proven to increase customer satisfaction and functionality. Sometimes it’s difficult to notice how poor quality the lighting is until it is improved. We have seen this from working with clients such as TopGolf, who have commented that they didn’t realise how poor the visibility was for their customers until it was renewed. It can be challenging knowing the best way to get started in updating your Golf Range lighting, but here at JHP Electrical, we are electrical specialists with immense knowledge. We wanted to talk about the best lighting solutions for your Golf Range, with advice on how to get started and why this is beneficial to you.

LED lighting is favourited when improving our clients Golf Ranges, as old halogen lighting systems do not only cost an incredible amount to start, but the efficiency is extremely poor. With the new LED solution, you will see a huge reduction in electrical consumption, cheaper bills, better lighting levels and this also means the site will become more environmentally friendly. Did you know that LED lighting consumes 50%-70% less energy than conventional outdoor golf course lighting systems? Not only would this give your golf range its maximum potential in lighting and visibility, but will give your golf range a reputation of being environmentally friendly.

Summer is coming to a close, and it’s that dreaded time of year where it’s starting to get dark from 8pm. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to consider how poor lighting would affect your golfers. Decreased visibility may drive frustrated golfers to go to a different golf range as their shots may be difficult to track. We also need to consider how this could affect the safety of the golfers. Poor visibility could result in injuries that could have been avoided in a simple step.

When it comes to your Golf Range lighting, this advice will be of great help when assisting you on what’s best. Here at JHP Electrical, you can count on our specialist technical knowledge, expert workmanship and exceptional levels of customer service and experience. We want what is best for you and your Golf Range and therefore we ensure your project is guaranteed to finish on budget and on time.

If you have any further questions on how to improve your golf range or any other electrical questions, then feel free to contact us on 020 8950 4643 or email us at enquiries@jhpelectrical.co.uk and we will reply as soon as possible. 

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